For 2025, our Artist in Residence program is open to qualified clay artists looking to enhance their knowledge and experience in a working studio environment. Residents are expected to work to develop a strong and cohesive body of work, have a visible presence in the studio and interact with members of the clay community and the public.  This year-long adventure starts on September 1, 2025 and continues through August 31, 2026

We also have a 3-month Summer Residency opening, running June 1 - August 31. Our summer resident will have the opportunity to assist or teach in our summer kids & clay camp programs while developing their voice as an artist and being part of a dynamic ceramic community.

Deadline for both opportunities: May 1, 2025

Christina Riccio 2023-25 AIR

Rebecca Fox, 2024-25 AIR

Jess Levin, 2024-25 AIR

Julianna Dougherty, 2024-25 AIR

What you should expect…

  • Use of fully equipped semi-private studio 100 sq ft space (if available for summer)

  • Full run and use of the center’s facilities

  • Monthly $200 stipend

  • Free firing

  • Modest living accommodations (if needed/available)

  • Open invitation to attend all classes and workshops during residency

  • Opportunity to teach adult and youth classes and private lessons and receive competitive compensation

  • A solo show in the Schacht Gallery at the end of your residency (not included for summer resident)

What we expect from you…

  • Working 15 regularly scheduled hours each week.  Duties will include loading, unloading & firing kilns, managing and maintaining studio facilities, equipment & inventory and performing other regular maintenance required in the daily operations of the facility.

  • Participating in teaching adult and youth classes in order to be more of a part of our clay community.

  • You work in your own studio a minimum of 15-20 hours per week.

  • Help with our fundraising event, including making at least 100 bowls for our Annual Chili Bowl Fundraiser ( not required for summer resident)

  • Attend & represent the Center at community events, workshops & gallery openings.

What is required…

  • The candidate must have a BFA, BS, MFA, or equivalent experience with a concentration in Ceramics, be dependable, reliable and self-motivated and have experienced and understand a communal studio environment

  • The candidate must complete and submit the online application by May 1.

Complete the online application for the Artist in Residence Program below, then email Jill Kovachick ( a zip file of your 10 jpeg images (no larger than 2 MB each) by the deadline.